Saturday, May 18, 2019


What might seem to be a rather surprising event for us is that our very own Prime Minister Narendra Modi, for the very first time in his tenure as the head of the country, held a press conference at the party headquarters. Although, the most crucial element highlighted regarding this meet with the print and electronic media was about Mr. Modi abstaining from answering a single question asked by the media. Out of all the three questions asked to him, he gestured towards the party’s national president Amit Shah, meaning that Shah will answer all the concerned questions. During his address to the media, Modi claimed that BJP was about to repeat their complete majority win ratio as like of 2014. Talking about Amit Shah, we could see him answering almost all of the questions, also including three of which were asked to Modi. On this move, he said that the prime minister need not necessarily answer all the questions.

Modi also talked about how he wanted to thank all his countrymen who rendered their support to him. He asserted that his government followed an honest and decorated programme about the public welfare over these five years and despite all odds, they firmly stuck with it. “I haven’t missed a single poll rally”, he said.
Having being criticized for not showing up against the media in his five-year tenure, this press conference came up as a big morsel which many couldn’t digest. We have seen Rahul Gandhi challenging the prime minister every now and then on conducting a debate against him about the Rafale and other scams as alleged by the Congress. 

However, during the press conference we could see Modi deflecting all the questions towards Amit Shah, saying, “in our party, the chief is everything”. May 23 awaits the fate of these people which is expected to show us the real allegations and claims as made by them.


  1. Frankly this time we cqnt say anything as there are haters as well as supporters to Modiji.
    No doubt he has been great during his tenure but what i feel is that he has not wiped out the issues, he has just supressed them.
    Being in the feild of Chatered Accountants i can see a clear picture of Modiji and his team



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